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The changes brought about by the trade unions were advantageous for workers as they got paid more, worked less and in safer environments. However, this was unfavourable for employers, who were losing money due to having to pay employees more while also earning less money due to lower output caused by workers working less. Money had to be spent on making working conditions safer and less detrimental to the health of workers. The profits of owners and managers of mills, mines and factories decreased due to more money being spent for the wages, safety and wellbeing of the many workers in their companies. Therefore, owners of businesses wanted to get rid of trade unions that demanded rights for workers as it meant that their income had to be spent for the welfare of workers, an issue they didn’t care about. Any organisation or group that supported capitalism since they benefitted from it was against trade unions because it brought balance to power between employers and employees. The government was a mostly neutral party during the fight for better working conditions. The labour movement brought violence with it at first, causing the general public and the government to be against it. However, eventually people saw that the movement was for the better. The government attempted to regulate capitalism by imposing taxes for big businesses and when strikes by workers became violent, they restored peace.

Resistance: Intro
Resistance: Text
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